Thursday, June 26, 2008

It will be Germany.....

Germany was victorious in last night´s match. So when (not if) Spain wins tonight it will be Spain vs. Germany in Sunday´s final.

Last evening we all went to the Palacio Real. We had a wonderful guide (in Spanish, of course) and the boys got the grand tour of the Palace that was home to Spanish Monarchs from Carlos 111 until the abdication of Alfonso XIII in 1931. The biggest hit was the Armory where they saw midieval armor worn by kings from El Cid to Felipe II and Carlos III. The horse armor was particularly interesting.

We also visited the Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Almudena - the cathedral of Madrid. It is a modern cathedral and quite different from the gothic ones so prevalent in other parts of Spain. Those students who have had me as a teacher immediately recognized the Hail Mary being said as we entered the nave. They were saying the rosary prior to the beginning of a Mass and since I begin all my classes with a prayer in Spanish, they recognized it immediately. (small victories!)

In most of the Palaces (and museums) today no photographs are allowed. This was a new rule put in place last year because prior to that photos were allowed without flash, but so many tourists ignored the ¨without flash¨ rules, that they have now just forbidden photos of any kind. It is a terrible pity really, but just another example of how selfishness ruins things for everyone. I have some spectacular photos from years past, but the boys will have to rely on memory.

I have encouraged them to buy the ¨All Madrid¨ books which are not too expensive and have great photos and explanations of nearly everything they have seen (and will see)in Madrid. They make a wonderful recuerdo and something in which the entire family can share when they return.

The guys are rapidly learning about money - that no, 1 euro does NOT equal 1 dollar...and that cash machines are not unlimited money producers. There has to be something IN the machine in order to get money OUT. Just a detail. They are also learning that if they eat all their money, they do not have any left to do the activities I have planned for them. (or that they want to do!)

Nearly everything we want to do is included in the afternoon cultural activiites of the school. So much of what I took the students to see last year is part of their activity this year. It is really wonderful. Today we are going to an Egyptian Temple and of course el partido de fútbol! ¡PODEMOS! (We can do it - the motto of the entire country just now!)

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